In Ohio, a three-year-old picked up an
unsecured handgun and fatally shot a one-year-old boy. Response by
the Cleveland Police Chief,
Calvin Williams, was epic:
has to know [that] this fascination with handguns, not just in the
city, but in the country, has to stop. We need to take a long look at
what we're doing on the state, local and national level to keep these
guns out of our communities.
is a case of a parent not taking proper precautions. The tragedy was
caused by a careless parent allowing a three-year-old boy access to a
loaded firearm; but to the mindless and those seeking stronger
control over rights and liberties of the People – the solution is
to take away firearms from everyone. If the child caused injury or
death with another object, say a power tool, is the answer to ban
power tools from everyone except licensed contractors?
who protect the Second Amendment, the NSSF
and NRA,
for example, constantly stress safety and common sense when handling
and storing firearms. Three-year-old children, children in general,
are curious. Responsible parents keep a watchful eye on their little
ones and ensure they cannot have access to things that can be
real criminal here is a parent not being a responsible owner of firearms – take firearms away from her, not everyone. There is
a child now who will be emotionally and psychological scarred because
of non-parental supervision. Another child needlessly died.
if you decide to own and use firearms, constantly implement and be
aware of safety issues – and teach children about firearm safety
and never touch one without permission of adults and their