King Abdullah II is the national
leader of Jordan and interesting fellow, eldest son of King Hussein whose mother is British-born Princess Munaal-Hussein [Antoinette Avril Gardiner] who met King
Hussein during the filming of Lawrence of Arabia. Abdullah's father allowed his troops to work as
extras on the film and visited the production site several times.
Abdullah's mother is active in the development of nursing in Jordan.
His grandfather established the modern
monarchy of Jordan that has a Parliament. Initially educated at a
Muslim school, he studied at educational institutions in the UK and
US and served in a British army elite unit.

Abdullah has introduced a British type
of cabinet government whose prime minister was elected in 2010 and
replaced in 2011.
At 53 years of age he continues to
personally train with and command one of the world's most elite
Jordanian special forces unit (SOCOM) and has been an important
western ally in the region. Unlike neighbors in the region, Jordan
has no oil and so plans to develop nuclear power for internal energy.
It has been dependent upon Iraq oil. King Abdullah initiated the Red
Sea-Dead Sea project using nuclear power plants to save the shrinking
Dead Sea and power nuclear plants with water. The nuclear plants will
desalinate the water and pump it to northern Jordan. The country has
few water resources.
In 2010, King Abdullah proposed a World
Interfaith Harmony Week at the United Nations to promote
peace and eliminate all forms of intolerance and discrimination based
upon religion.
King Abdullah has an interest in the
Internet and technology. He has a deep interest in the film industry
and created the Red Sea Institute of Cinematic Arts in Aqaba.
He provided 39 military helicopters for the film production of
Revenge of the Fallen whose location was in Jordan. His
personal interests also include science fiction, Jordan national
football, sky diving, rally racing, and scuba diving. He appeared
briefly in the Star Trek: Voyager episode “Investigations”.
King Abdullah is the majority investor of The
Red Sea Astarium (TRSA) project. A people kind of monarch, in
2013, during a Middle East cold
snap, he helped push a car that was stuck in snow in a street. He
has a website. It is in
English and Arabic.
After the ISIS
burned a Jordanian captured pilot alive, King Abdullah has been
relentless in the fight against Islamic Jihadists and has led his
Special Forces to fight them. He has pledged to eradicate Islamic
Jihadists at “the
very center of their strongholds”. Members of the US
Congress have approved
to provide Jordan $1 billion in military assistance in the fight
against the Islamic State and terrorism. Business Insider dubbed him
a “total
A recent email compared King
Abdullah to our narcissist pretender president, “King” Barack
Hussein Obama, and thanks to American voters, this is what we've got:
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